Sunday, January 30, 2011

99% vote for a Referendum. No, really!

In possibly a world first, it seems that a 99% majority in a referendum could be correct, rather than merely symbolic of massive fraud symptomatic of the worst authoritarian regimes. To no-one's surprise, it was the margin of South Sudan's vote for independence. I was a little surprised that 1% of South Sudanese voted for continued union with the North.

So, South Sudan will become the 198th State in the summer. Let's hope that this can be accomplished peacefully.

Can I get posted to Juba? Please?


Unknown said...

This sort of majority in a referendum makes me so pleased, but also disappointed due to the UK's lack of interest in politics. I've just sent a good part of the day campaigning for the 'Yes' camp for a forthcoming Referendum in Wales which is less than 4 weeks away. The level of general apathy, non-voters and people who had no idea what we were talking about was very disappointing and slightly depressing.

Unknown said...
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Toby's Random Musings said...


Yes, it is powerful testimony to the fact that democracy matters. And the shame of the Referendum in Wales is that the apathy party is likely to be the big winner. Disappointing.
